Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A brief addendum, in case anyone was wondering whether mocking a grad student's diss in the NYT could really be problematic.

In the last two days this (not especially popular) blog has received hits from the following search strings:

medieval theologian Duns Scotu [sic] citations

duns scotus use of citation

Duns Scotus citations thesis

duns scotus colombia [sic] footnotes

duns scotus citations (five times)

how duns scotus used citations

how the medieval theologian Duns Scotus used citations

dissertation medieval theologian Duns Scotus used citations

duns scotus citations dissertation (twice)

duns scotus citations taylor "new york times"

duns scotus citation citations

duns scotus citations thesis

duns scotus used citations

duns scotus citation columbia

dissertation duns scotus citations

columbia dissertation Duns Scotus citation ph.d.

So now I'm really curious. How did Duns Scotus use citations? I seriously kind of want to read this dissertation. I hope somebody publishes a monograph on this topic in the near future. Listen up, Oxford UP: there is public interest.

Incidentally, I am currently writing something on how Marianne Moore cites Duns Scotus. No lie.


  1. I am one of the people who searched and found your blog.

    The NYT column made me hunger for more information about Scotus' actually sounds fascinating.

  2. I'm another who found you that way, and I linked to you from my even more obscure blog.

    I'm hoping that Duns Scotus use of citations turn out to be "structured like a web or complex adaptive network".

  3. 'I'm hoping that Duns Scotus use of citations turn out to be "structured like a web or complex adaptive network".'

    Let us hope!

  4. by the way, one of the speakers in the BABEL working group panel on pleasure in medieval scholarship at Kalamazoo (it was packed) brought up the uncool derision of this grad student's work, too...
