Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good on the UC library and science faculty for proposing a boycott of Nature and affiliated journals. Nature Publishing Group wants to increase its rate by 400% in 2011, though well aware that the UC library has had its budget cut by $1.9 million. As the letter from Laine Farley et al. (which I highly recommend) astutely points out, Nature and its affiliated journals depend heavily on the research, reviewing, and editorial labor, all uncompensated, of UC faculty. As Barbara Hui writes, "[i]t's Fight Club soap."

Update: Jen Howard's Chronicle article.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post. I've looked, but can't find, a response from Nature. What is their explanation/viewpoint?

Natalia said...


Sharon K. Goetz said...

That link's an appropriate answer but fails to include the further response from CDL, which links the NPG response that Google turns up and picks out its errors. *shrugs*