Sunday, February 6, 2011

I am sorry to gloat about the weather while everyone else is in a deep freeze, but it is just one of those perfect Bay Area weekends when you put on a chiffon skirt and you don't bother to dry your hair because it's warm out, and who cares if it's all frizzy and curly, it is spring, it is spring, and you go write grant applications in the glorious sunshine.


Gladys said...

did you say chiffon skirt? do share!

those are gorgeous blooms. spring in california, indeed.

Julia Bloch said...

Oh, god. I miss spring in February so. much.

love,kerryanne said...

i am sooooooo jealous!!!!!! ahh! haha

Natalia said...

Well, you'll all be glad to know that justice has struck and it's now nearly as cold as it is in August. Still sunny and gorgeous, though.